With Geopark Granada trekking over the dirt roads - Geopark Granada

Geopark Granada
Hiking 4x4 & Trekking
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Trekking with Geopark Granada

As we say on the page How to choose an excursion, we decided to offer only trekking excursions that resort to the desert area of Gorafe and Los Colorados. As is our custom, all the excursions we propose do not use marked paths, but wind along ridges and sometimes steep slopes. Although some of them are potentially dangerous if crossed lightly, our guides will help you overcome obstacles safely.
The landscapes are impressive and the key passages all surmountable with common sense and with a minimum of attention. We have tried to plan excursions for the whole family, but we reserve two for children aged 16 and over, obviously accompanied by their parents. But we can adapt the excursions to your needs.
After the winter rains, all excursions must be reviewed to ensure the safety of the participants and our vehicles. As we review the excursions, we publish them below.

The color visually indicates the difficulty:
Blue = easy
Green = medium difficulty
Red = difficult

Only 3 people are needed to form a group!


25€ without logistics (Guide + excursion + accident insurance)
45€ per person (Guide + excursion + insurance and Logistics) *

The guided hike begins by following an abandoned track that will be left in a few kilometers to cross part of the Los Colorados chain, off the marked trails. Although the terrain is sometimes steep, it does not require equipment or expert technique. The logistics, particularly recommended in this trekking proposal, will cover the same tracks of our 4×4 excursion called "Circular".


25€ without logistics (Guide + excursion + accident insurance)
45€ per person (Guide + excursion + insurance and Logistics) *

This excursion, also suitable for children aged 13 and over, is not very complicated y if you choose the option with logistics it will not be particularly long. With this excursion we will cross the Gorafe desert from west to east joining the two main tracks.
There is only one point where the passage is a bit problematic because of the vegetation, after which it is pleasant and easy. Like all our excursions, it allows you to appreciate, in addition to the landscape, points of geological importance and different from each other.


25€ without logistics (Guide + excursion + accident insurance)
45€ per person (Guide + excursion + insurance and Logistics) *

The guided walk follows unsedicated trails in one of the most evocative landscapes of the Gorafe desert. Although it does not require equipment, some steps require technique. The logistics offered (strongly recommended to avoid another 20 km of return) will allow you to return through some of the dirt tracks that we use in our 4×4 excursions.

We offer two different routes, one that we recommend in summer and the other in winter, longer and with a positive slope of a few km more.
And all without difference in cost!
* Prices March 2021-March 2022.
Consult for groups by writing to max@geoparkgranada.com or tel./WhatsApp +34 683413848

We will accompany you to the starting point and pick you up at the point of arrival. It is designed to avoid the return route, usually uphill and on tracks open to motorcycles, 4×4 cars and bicycles. We can also bring you water, beers, something to eat, clothes...

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