Priacy policy - Geopark Granada

Geopark Granada
Hiking 4x4 & Trekking
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Privacy Policy

Responsible - who is responsible for data processing?
Company Name: Geopark Granada
Address: Calle 28 de febrero 11, 18890 Gorafe
NIE: Y5064463S
Phone: +34 683 41 38 48
Email address:
Contact: Massimo Sabattini
Domain name:

Purposes - for what purposes do we process your data?
In compliance with the provisions of the European Regulation 2016/679 General Data Protection, we inform you that we will process the data you provide us for:

Manage the contracting of the services you carry out through the Platform, as well as the related invoicing and delivery.
Periodically send communications on services, events and news relating to the activities developed by Geopark Granada, by any means (telephone, post or e-mail), unless otherwise indicated or opposition or revocation of the user's consent.
Send commercial and/or promotional information relating to the contracted and value-added services sector to end users, unless otherwise stated or the user opposes or revokes consent.
The fulfillment of legal obligations, as well as the verification of compliance with contractual obligations, included fraud prevention.
Transfer of data to organizations and authorities, as long as required in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions.

Categories of data - What data do we process?
Derived from the aforementioned purposes, in Geopark Granada we manage the following categories of data:

Identification data
  • Electronic communications metadata
  • Commercial information data. In the event that the user provides data of third parties, he declares to have his consent and undertakes to transmit the information contained in this clause, exempting Geopark Granada from any liability in this regard.
  • However, Geopark Granada may carry out checks to verify this fact, adopting the corresponding due diligence measures, in accordance with data protection regulations.

Legitimation - what is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?
The processing of data aimed at sending periodic bulletins (newsletters) on services, events and news relating to our professional activity is based on the consent of the interested party, expressly requested to carry out such treatments, in compliance with current legislation.
In addition, the lawfulness for the processing of data relating to offers or collaborations is based on the consent of the user who sends their data, which can be revoked at any time, although this may affect the possible fluidity of communication and hindrance to processes. I want to do.
Finally, the data may be used to comply with the legal obligations applicable to Geopark Granada

Data retention period - How long will we keep your data?
Geopark Granada will keep the personal data of users only for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, provided that it does not revoke the consents granted. Subsequently, if necessary, it will keep the information blocked during the legally established deadlines.

Recipients To which recipients will your data be communicated?
Your data may be accessible by those providers who provide services to Geopark Granada, such as accommodation services, marketing tools and content systems or other professionals, when such communication is legally necessary, or for the execution of the contracted services.

Geopark Granada, has signed the corresponding processing order contracts with each of the suppliers that provide services to Geopark Granada, in order to ensure that these suppliers will process your data in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.

They may also be transferred to the State Security Forces and Bodies in cases where there is a legal obligation.

Banks and financial institutions, for the collection of services.
Public administrations competent in the sectors of activity, when required by current legislation.

Information security - What security measures do we take to take care of your data?
To protect the different types of data reflected in this privacy policy, it will take the necessary technical security measures to prevent its loss, manipulation, dissemination or alteration.

  • Encryption of communications between the user's device and geopark Granada servers
  • Encryption of information on Geopark Granada servers
  • Other measures that prevent access to your data by third parties.

In cases where Geopark Granada has platform maintenance service providers located outside the European Union, these international transfers have been regularized according to Geopark Granada's commitment to the protection, integrity and security of personal data.

If you wish you can also consult our Pricavy Policy
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