4x4 and trekking routes in the desert of Gorafe and Los Colorados - Geopark Granada

Geopark Granada
Hiking 4x4 & Trekking
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A magical landscape, yet to be discovered...

In this specific area, in the design of the most complete routes, the interest in the landscape is highlighted, an extraordinary environment that cannot escape us, without losing sight of the intrinsic mission of dissemination and information. Fun and interesting, the Classic, Partial and Puntale Blanco routes offer a variety of points of archaeological and cultural interest. The different stops provided will allow us to see and interpret the landscape, observe fossils and / or minerals.
In all the most complete routes we have kept in common the itinerary that allows us to inform about the genesis of the Hoya de Guadix-Baza. We will descend the dirt roads of the Gorafe desert until we reach the imposing los Colorados chain. Therefore, in designing shorter itineraries, in addition to giving the landscape the prominence it deserves, we have chosen the key places of geological and archaeological interest, based on the duration of the excursion.
Consider that although an approximate duration is indicated, Geopark Granada is at your disposal for photos, walks or simply to enjoy the silence of our territory beyond the indicated duration without any price increase!

Get to know the best 4×4 routes and excursions to visit the Gorafe Desert and Los Colorados

In the area of Gorafe and surroundings, we have prepared 3 complete off-road proposals with landscape, geological and historical information: Classic, Partial and Puntal Blanco.
Although it is possible to walk them with children of all ages, it is recommended, in order to enjoy the excursions, that children have a minimum age of 5-6 years.
For these excursions the departure time is set at 9:00-9:30, depending on the seasons of the year.

What's included:
In addition to transport and our work as a Geopark informant (on the routes we offer historical, landscape and geological information), taxes, transport insurance, CR insurance, personal accident insurance are included.
In addition, in all excursions we offer a 1.5-2 liter bottle of water to each participant and, depending on the duration of the excursion, we offer almond biscuits (Classic) or ham and cheese sandwiches (Partial and Puntal Blanco).

What is excluded:
on the longer routes of the Classic there is the possibility to stop in a bar-restaurant in the area for a break and have a drink (beer, soft drink, even eat something if you want). These charges are not included.

A fourth itinerary, called "Circular del Desierto", is now available for only € 80 for two people (plus € 25 for each additional person).
This itinerary is designed for those interested in unmissable landscapes but do not have time available or are not interested in insights.

Its short duration (about 3:00 hours) is particularly suitable for those who come with very young children, even less than a year old!

What we offer:
We will descend to one of the slopes of the Gorafe desert, passing (among other points) by the "fillets", the hill of Los Pinos (known by locals as Loma Bandera), Los Anchurones and Tollo de Chiclana and the rambla of Los Colorados.
Return to Gorafe along a parallel track, that is, the itinerary is circular.

What's included:
In addition to transport and our work as a Geopark informant (on the routes we offer historical, landscape and geological information), taxes, transport insurance, R.C. insurance and personal accident insurance for walking sections are included.

What is excluded:
Everything that is not detailed in the previous section "What is included"

Given its short duration, it is possible to book the "Circular of Desierto" route even in the afternoon! Tell us with your booking what is your preferred time!

Classic 4x4 Excursion

4×4 Classic Excursion: € 110 for two people, only € 25.00 per additional person *
This excursion is the complete proposal of information of shorter duration, about 5:00 hours in which, like the others, we like to offer you historical, landscape and geological information.
Recommended for families with children aged 5 and up.

In this excursion we offer you to see...
  • The most representative dolmens of two of the three necropolises prepared by archaeologists in the gorafe territory.
  • Spots with the most impressive views of the desert of Gorafe and Los Colorados.
  • We will descend to one of the slopes of the Gorafe desert, passing (among other points) for the "fillets", the hill of Los Pinos (known to locals as Loma Bandera), Los Anchurones, Tollo de Chiclana and Los Colorados.
  • Deviations to the territorial limit of Gorafe-Dehesas de Guadix.
  • Return to Gorafe along a parallel track, that is, the itinerary, apart from the detours to see and report, is circular.

We offer you the photos of some points:

Excursion 4x4 "Partial"

Partial 4×4 excursion: € 120 for two people, only € 25.00 for each additional person*
The second excursion, which we call "Partial", is a medium-duration excursion (about 7:00 am) that will allow us to see everything previously described, but adding a visit to the prehistoric aqueduct of Toril. It offers, in addition to the stops provided in all our excursions, a walk of about 40 minutes, very quiet and suitable for all those who have no difficulty walking on easy paths. In addition, it will be possible to observe a geological incident known as 'Gorafe's Dysformity'. The photos we put are those that we took during our excursions and that we chose to be more representative. In this excursion we will cross a village, so it will be possible to stop for a beer or a drink and / or whatever you want,
Recommended for families with children aged 7 and up.

Excursion 4x4 "Puntal Blanco"

Excursion 4×4 Puntal Blanco: € 135 for two people, only € 25.00 each additional person *
The Puntal Blanco hike is a small adventure of more than 8:30 hours, but time will fly by...
In addition to having in common the first part of the other routes (dolmens, viewpoints, the filetes, Loma de Los Pinos and Los Colorados) will continue in the direction of Negratín . We will pass the Fardes River, the Guadiana Menor River, the amazing area of Puntal Blanco, the viewpoint of the Negratín Reservoir, walk through the chaotic folds of a 'Diapiro' and observe marine fossils.
Before returning to Gorafe we will have a drink at the Cortijo del Cura, on the Negratín basin.
All the photos on this page were taken during our tours by Connie.
Recommended for families with children aged 13 and up.

Excursions 4x4 "la carte"

Price to be agreed according to the indicative duration.
We can design a route according to your needs, from a few hours to a whole day.
The only limit is your imagination.
Let us know your interests, how many hours you want to dedicate to the excursion and we will contact you shortly with the proposal we have prepared exclusively for you!
* Prices March 2021-March 2022.
Consult for groups of more than 8 people by writing to max@geoparkgranada.com or tel./WhatsApp +34 683413848

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