4x4 routes: the natural parks surrounding the Gorafe Desert - Geopark Granada

Geopark Granada
Hiking 4x4 & Trekking
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Cazorla Natural Park, Segura and Las Villas

Excursion 4×4 Cazorla: € 175 for two people, only € 25.00 each additional person *
The first route we propose crosses the natural park of Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas.
This 4×4 excursion lasts a full day (10 and more hours) and we propose, for those who want, a walking excursion (1 hour walk on a comfortable path) to Pico Cabaña, where from the top of its 2036 m. we will have a suggestive panorama of the surrounding mountains and Lake Bolera ".
This excursion is recommended for families with children aged 13 and over.

What's included:
In addition to transport and our work as a Geopark informant (on the routes we offer historical, landscape and geological information), taxes, transport insurance, R.C. insurance and personal accident insurance including walks are included.
In addition, in all the excursions on this page we offer each participant a 1.5-2 liter bottle of water and ham and cheese sandwiches.

What is excluded:
There is the possibility to stop at a bar restaurant in the area (sometimes closed!) for a break and have a drink (beer, soft drink, even eat something if you want). These charges are not included.

Entering the park with a forest track, we will have the opportunity to stop at the rise of the Guadalquivir, one of the most important rivers of the Iberian Peninsula, on whose banks the most important cultures in the history of Spain have alternated: the Roman and the Arab.

The partially navigable Guadalquivir River flows for more than 650 km before pouring its waters into the Atlantic Ocean near Cadiz.

Along the way it is not difficult to meet Iberian ibex, deer and foxes, as well as large birds of prey such as vultures and eagles. We will be able to visit karst areas with the characteristic erosion called "lapiaz", where wells and caves are hidden among its furrows.
During the excursion we will cross several control points that delimit the protection areas of the natural parks and we will arrive at the sources of another important river, the Segura, with an underground spring explored in part (about 300 meters) by teams of divers.

The Segura River flows 350 km to the east and pours its waters into the Mediterranean Sea.

The return will take place via a paved road that we will travel in just over a couple of hours.

Sierra de Baza Natural Park

Excursion 4×4 Sierra de Baza: € 125 for two people, only € 25.00 each additional person *
This excursion of approximate duration of 8 hours, will allow you to know a part of the Sierra de Baza and its mining history.
We leave behind the village of Gor to continue in the direction of Las Juntas, a small town that owes its name to the proximity of the confluence of the Rambla de las Casa de Don Diego with the Gor river.
After the Casa de Don Diego, our route heads east before deviating to Collado del Resinero. The dirt road will lead us to the first mines of this excursion, the mines of the Cruz, which have been partially enabled to allow the visit to the tunnels. In this excursion we will see other mines, some will be visited while others have recently been closed by the Provincial Council of Andalusia to avoid possible accidents (there are deep wells).

A short walk will allow us to reach the Well of Snow, an architecture that, although it was described in 1753 in the Cadastre of the Marquis de La Ensenada, is probably much older, considering also that the Romans and Arabs needed ice for more applications. .

The ice obtained by compressing the snow was transported by mules and horses until the 20s, after industrialization and the new technology of artificial cold ended exploitation.

In the itinerary we will follow it will be very likely to meet deer and mountain goats and will take us to Pico Morrón Alto before taking a path that will take us to the A92 and in short to Gorafe. This 4×4 excursion is recommended for families with children aged 13 and over.
* Prices March 2021-March 2022.
Consult for groups of more than 8 people by writing to max@geoparkgranada.com or tel./WhatsApp +34 683413848

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