How to choose 4x4 or trekking routes with Geopark Granada - Geopark Granada

Geopark Granada
Hiking 4x4 & Trekking
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How do we work?

Geopark Granada operates mainly in the Hoya de Guadix Baza, an intramontane depression that due to its genesis is divided into two sub-sub-sub-lots and a central area. Our excursions are prepared to search for points of landscape, geological and historical interest.

Once identified, we combine the most relevant points with our 8, 6 and 5 seater Land Rovers and, if there are particularly interesting points, we prepare short walking routes.

If you have special requests (for example a multi-day itinerary or an area you are interested in), contact us explaining your needs, the scheduled date, the number of participants in the activity, the degree of physical preparation (beginners, good preparation, excellent) and the preferred duration (in hours or km). We will try to offer you different itineraries, some can be reviewed in advance (an advance is required).
We also have the possibility to provide itineraries (with GPS), assistance for walks, mountain biking or to provide personalized excursions 4×4, giving priority to your interests. There is no better excursion, there are excursions that allow you to see more things among a myriad of interesting places. We choose for you the most advantageous landscape and geological itineraries. All the proposed excursions are designed by Geopark Granada and with some we can boast of being the only and the first company to propose them.
We remind you that with Geopark Granada you can bring your pets, just let us know in advance!

To help you choose an excursion, we decided to write this little guide.

Then... what is the ideal excursion?

To know which route to choose, you need to take into account the following points:
  • Duration: Depending on the route, it may vary. (Check the duration of each route in the corresponding table.)
  • Maybe it can tire you: on our routes we do not do anything extreme but in some itineraries we have decided to include walks, of different duration, which if you are not used to can tire. (Check the difficulty of each route in the table.)
  • Children: If you plan to make our itineraries with children, it is advisable to choose routes of easy or normal difficulty.

Once you have clarified the points to take into account when choosing an excursion, we will explain a little bit each of our itineraries so that you can evaluate which is ideal for you.

Excursions we offer

Guadix area (desert, Los Colorados, prehistoric Aqueduct of Toril, etc.)

In this area we have four main itineraries (Circular, Classic, Partial and Puntal Blanco), each of which includes the most spectacular areas of the sub-sub-storey, both from a landscape and geological point of view. We can customize each excursion, even combining different routes, lengthening or reducing the duration of each excursion according to your time and interests.

In this particular area, in the design of the routes we have highlighted the landscape interest, an extraordinary environment that cannot escape us, without losing sight of the intrinsic mission of dissemination and information. Therefore, in designing shorter itineraries, in addition to giving the landscape the prominence it deserves, we have chosen the key places of geological and archaeological interest, based on the duration of the excursion.
Circular Desert and Los Colorados 3h approximately Low Everybody
Classical 5h approximately Moderate +5 years
Partial 7h approximately Normal +7 years
Puntal Blanco 8h and 30min approximately Medium +13 years
A la carte Even more days... It depends on your requests
Cerro Jabalcón (Central Area)

Mount "Cerro Jabalcón" is a central point that traditionally and geologically divides the Hoya of Guadiz Baza into two sub-sub-sub-pools.
The excursion, which lasts almost all day, will be particularly interesting and includes, among other things, a visit to the Baza tectonic fault and the opportunity to see pictograms dating back to the ancient and middle Neolithic. The landscapes are obviously unforgettable, didactically it is very interesting, it is not a tiring hike, but the walks require a certain adaptation.
Jabalcón 7h approximately Medium +10 years

Also in this area we planned only one excursion, our care was to cover the entire area from Gorafe to Galera (we committed more than two weeks day after day) to collect the unmissable points of this sub-cooker. The proposed excursion lasts all day, you can easily exceed 10 hours, including a stop for lunch and a visit (of your choice) to Castellón Alto (archaeological site of Argaríco) or the archaeological museum of Galera. Please note that also in this tour there will be excursions on natural terrain, a normal physical form and a certain spirit of adventure are required. We will see geological features unique in the world, the landscapes are very different from the Guadix basin, but no less interesting.
Baza y Galera 10h approximately Medium +13 years
Natural Parks

Over the years we have developed itineraries that not only wind along the land tracks of the Geological Park of the Northern Valleys of Granada (now "Geopark of Granada"), but also taking advantage of many paths traveled with enthusiasm and interest.
We share with you many different experiences inside and outside the borders of the Granada Geopark.
Cazorla 10h approximately Medium +13 years
Sierra de Baza 8h approximately Normal +13 years

Hiking (Trekking)

In the desert of Gorafe and Los Colorados

For trekking excursions we have decided to reduce the offer only to the Guadix basin, in the area of the Gorafe Desert and Los Colorados! The chosen area, of about 160 km2, is rich in spectacular landscapes, geology and excursions practicable by people in good physical shape. They are not suitable for those who are not used to walking on unstreated terrain (mainly in areas not covered by approved paths).

We prepare, reviewing them carefully and always drawing them from scratch, various itineraries of varying difficulty, mileage and duration. All excursions are offered with logistics! We accompany you to the starting point and pick you up to return to Gorafe.
To avoid high temperatures in the summer the routes offered are mainly downhill!
Los Colorados 2:30h approximately Normal +16 years
La Fonte 2h approximately Medium +13 years
Avventura 4:30h approximately Medium High +16 years
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