Photo guide and maps: dolmen of the Megalithic Park of Gorafe - Geopark Granada

Geopark Granada
Hiking 4x4 & Trekking
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On the trail of our ancestors

A few years ago we had the pleasure of collaborating with Rocío Campos, guide of the Megalithic Interpretation Center, in a project that sought to catalog all the dolmens still present in the territory of the Gor river.
I, Max from the Geopark of Granada, was responsible for the fieldwork and Rocío wrote the texts.

Kind regards, Max and Connie

Dolmen Virtual Books

For all customers and friends interested in archaeology or intrigued by these constructions, we have prepared these virtual books that you can freely consult or download in .pdf
Necrópolis de Alicún y Cerro de la Mina
Necrópolis la Sabina
Necrópolis las Majadillas
Necrópolis Llano de Guadix
Necrópolis Llano de los Olivares
Dolmen Hoya del Conquín
Necrópolis Cerrillo de las Liebres
Necrópolis la Gabiarra
Necrópolis Llano de Carrascosa
Necrópolis Torrecilla y La Angostura
Necrópolis de Baúl
Necrópolis descubiertos recientemente
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